
Parkhurst Guest Speaker Reflection

The Parkhurst guest speaker was very informative. He talked about some of the ethical dilemmas with the food industry and about consumer confusion. I learned that cage free eggs does not mean that the animals are roaming around a field necessarily. They can be in a warehouse and never see day light and be considered cage free. This relates to the idea of consumer confusion because someone may see cage free on the packaging of an item and think the animals are living on a nice farm. Unfortunately that it not the case, it is similar to companies green washing where a company makes a product seem like something it is not. From the point of view of a large company like Parkhurst, there is no way they can supply eggs to their locations in the quantity that is demanded to operate any other way. It comes down to consumer demand and choosing to consume or not consume products is an everyday decision. while it is hard to know where all of your products come from it is consumer responsibility to educate your self and make mindful consumption choices. I also learned that it is difficult for Parkhurst to cater to everyone’s wants and needs. They do try by doing things like having a comment board and reading and responding to as many comments as they can and coming to speak to and be engaged with students. It is almost impossible to please everyone.

Project Management Review

We chose Asana for our project management tool because Alethea said it was the most straight forward one that she was most familiar with, so I thought if we had any questions about it she would be able to answer them easily. The program can organize all of a project’s tasks or multiple projects’ tasks and assign them to a group member to complete. The tool allows you to set when things are due and will remind you leading up to the due date. I think Asana was pretty easy enough to learn how to use but all of the features may not be so obviously found. I think I would give the tool a 3.5 out of 5 it helped organize the project assignments and tasks between me and my group member, but I did not feel like it was necessary for the project. I do not think I would use a tool like this in the future, using the tool felt like it made extra work on top of the projects we are doing rather than just organizing everything.

Eportfolio Reflection

Using the eportfolio has forced me to think about assignments in a different way than usual. Usually, once I turn something in I do not think about it again or look back on it at all. The eportfolio has made me reflect on a lot of my assignments from the semester. It has helped me understand where some of my weakness and strengths are. It is hard to have time to stop and reflect in the middle of the semester because everything is so face paced all the time, but it is good to because you can learn something from it.

Communication Self Reflection

I think communication becomes a challenge when we are not able to interact face to face. Everyone is probably interacting with people less than they normally do. We have ways to work around that through email, zoom and other platforms. It still is not the same communication over zoom as it would be in person, the natural flow of conversation is constantly interrupted by lagging networks and computer issues. We are all doing the best we can with what we have. Personally I think communication has been overall good for my assignments there are sometimes issues, but we work around them.
